Menu Planner

Meal Plans, Shopping Lists, Pantry, and Recipes all in one app

Recipes Overview

Menu Planner makes importing, storing, and viewing recipes simple. From this screen, you can:
  • Tap the "+" button at the top of the screen to add a new recipe manually or by importing it from one of the supported recipe websites.
  • Search your list of recipes.
  • Group your recipes either alphabetically, by category, or by rating.
  • See which recipes you have all of the ingredients for (in your pantry). The recipe will display the green checkmark icon.
  • Remove a recipe by "swiping" across to get the Delete button.
  • Browse to your favorite recipe site to import a recipe (if the site is supported) or to copy/paste the recipe details into a recipe on your device.

Adding a Recipe Manually

Manual Recipe
After tapping the "+" button and choosing to add a recipe manually, you'll see the recipe's edit screen.

Enter the recipe details. You can add or change the recipe image by tapping the image area. If you have a device with a camera, you'll be able to choose between taking a new picture or using an existing one from your photo library.

More information about the recipe details:
  • Categories help to organize your recipes. When you're viewing your entire list of recipes, you can choose to group them by category to narrow the list
  • Images are optional, and can even be turned off compeltey from the "More" tab in the app

Importing a Recipe

Import Recipe
Recipes can be imported from supported recipe websites. You can see the entire list by tapping the book icon at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Browse to the web page that has the recipe on it you want to import.
  2. Tap the "Import Recipe" button at the bottom of the screen. If it's successful, you'll be taken to the recipe edit screen with the recipe details already filled in.
  3. When importing a recipe, Menu Planner tries to match ingredients from the website to ingredients already stored on your device. If it can't find a match, you'll have to decide if you want to add the new ingredient to your device, or replace it with one already in your list. For example, if you have an ingredient called "Eggs" in Menu Planner, but the recipe you're importing has an ingredient called "Egg", you can decide if you want to add a new ingredient called "Egg" or if you'd rather switch it to match your "Eggs" ingredient.

Please keep in mind that every website is unique. Sometimes the import will get all of the recipe details without problems, and sometimes it might miss some (or all of it!).

If you're seeing a supported website fail constantly, please send me an email (